21 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of general controls and application controls on the sale of information systems as a basis to support and produce accurate information in decision-making. The research methodology used was the literature research, field research consisting of interviews and observations, questionnaires, analysis and auditing method that I use is Auditing Around the Computer. The research literature sourced from reference books, interviews conducted by asking questions to the audit, the observation is done by making a list of questions intended for the use of the system and the analysis is done by analyzing the findings of the evaluation and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of internal control. From this analysis, the findings obtained advantages and disadvantages of internal control. Weaknesses are found to be expressed in the form of finding problems, risks and recommendations as a follow- improvement. Conclusions derived from the results of the evaluation for management control and operational security in information systems delivery PT. RST International Cargo are still some shortcomings , while in applications such as boundary control, input and output can meet and support the delivery of PT. RST Cargo Internationa

    Evaluasi Pengendalian Intern terhadap Sistem Akuntansi Pembelian dan Persediaan Bahan Baku pada PT Fuyindo Multi Perdana

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    Internal control is essential for the operational activities of a company. The author conducted research for internal control of accounting systems and inventory purchases of raw materials. Internal controls for purchasing and inventory of raw materials is essential if companies want to produce a superior product. In this study researchers prepare the field research method by observation and literature study by studying the theories associated with the purchase and supply of raw materials. The results obtained show the important things that can be controlled by the company for operating companies to run well and the management can give a decision based on the reports of evaluation results, it can be suggested that companies should do in the internal control system purchase accounting and inventory of raw materials

    Aplikasi Pemasaran Berbasis Web PT XYZ

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    Marketing plays an important role in determining the success of a company's sales. Marketing of goods or services over the Internet opens an opportunity for a company to expand the business into new markets, and compete with other businesses in the same field. It is because the internet offers wider selection of good products, service products, and prices. Thus, customers can be sure in choosing and buying of goods and services. For that e-marketing is introduced as an marketing strategy that integrates internet and marketing. A study was conducted to develop e-marketing application for PT XYZ as a company that produces and sells men's apparel and accessories. The methodology used in developing the e-marketing application is library research, field research, and a seven-stage approach to build e-marketing. The e-marketing strategy developed is expected to expand market share and increase sales. Additionally, it is expected to be a powerful strategy to build relationships with customers, providing information of both company and its products

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Penjualan pada PT XYZ

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    The study aims to evaluate the sales information system of PT XYZ whether the system supports the company\u27s goals, as well as to determine the problem and control done by the company. Literature study and field studies through observation, interviews and checklists are implemented. The results of this evaluation are weaknesses in information systems presented on matrices of risk assessment and audit reports. The evaluation discovers the weaknesses of each control which are the potential risks and recommendation need. The controlimplemented by the company still needs to be improved further, particularly in the controls of input and output which are still weak

    Implementasi Aplikasi Harga Pokok Produksi pada UKM

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    The accuracy of the production cost report is the basis of the control and decision making. Production cost affects the selling price of a product. The purpose of the study is to examine the procedures, forms, and reports relating to accounting information system production cost calculation in SMEs, analyze and design information systems that can support the planning and control of production information system ranging from production planning to report the cost of production by using The weighted average method. The methodologyused is the method of data collection, information and interviews. The method of designing the production cost is Object Oriented and Design. Program language used is Visual Basic. Implementation of the production cost applications in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is to make application of MO estimation recording process and MO rate, cost card standard recording, WIP process recording, the quotation letter of raw materials, receipt of goods recording, the working hours card recording, cash expenditures recording, WIP transfer unit recording (work in process), the process of the final WIP units recording


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    Penjualan secara kredit pada suatu perusahaan memiliki resiko yang lebih besar dibandingkan penjualan tuna. Diperlukan suatu pengendalian internal yang baik atas sistem akuntansi penjualan kredit, piutang dan penerimaan kas untuk mengurangi terjadinya resiko tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi, mengidentifikasi kelemahan dan keterbatasan dari pengendalian intern serta memberikan saran perbaikan yang diperlukan. Metode yang digunakan meliputi studi kepustakaan buku-buku, diktat, dan literatur yang berkaitan serta penelitian lapangan dengan cara wawancara kepada bagian-bagian yang terkait dan observasi terhadap kegiatan perusahaan, formulir serta catatan akuntansi yang digunakan perusahaan


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    The accuracy of the production cost report is the basis of the control and decision making. Production cost affects the selling price of a product. The purpose of the study is to examine the procedures, forms, and reports relating to accounting information system production cost calculation in SMEs, analyze and design information systems that can support the planning and control of production information system ranging from production planning to report the cost of production by using The weighted average method. The methodology used is the method of data collection, information and interviews. The method of designing the production cost is Object Oriented and Design. Program language used is Visual Basic. Implementation of the production cost applications in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is to make application of MO estimation recording process and MO rate, cost card standard recording, WIP process recording, the quotation letter of raw materials, receipt of goods recording, the working hours card recording, cash expenditures recording, WIP transfer unit recording (work in process), the process of the final WIP units recording


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    this research aim is to evaluate the purchase information systems that running on PT.BIS. The data gathered in this research, which use COSO framework, carried within three departments, namely the purchasing, IT and supplies department. Each department covers respondents, which was department heads and staff. The result for evaluation of the system purchase information on PT.BIS is the identification risks within internal control that are presents in the form of findings and recommendations. The conclusion, internal controls on PT.BIS has not yet complies to accordance with the COSO framework


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    Pengendalian internal merupakan hal yang penting agar kegiatan operasional dari perusahaan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Penulis melakukan penelitian untuk pengendalian internal pada system akuntansi pembelian dan persediaan bahan baku. Pengendalian internal untuk pembelian dan persediaan bahan baku sangat penting jika perusahaan ingin menghasilkan produk unggulan. Dalam penyususnan penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan kepustakaan yaitu dengan mempelajari teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan pembelian dan persediaan bahan baku. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan hal-hal yang penting yang dapat dikendalikan oleh perusahaan agar operasional perusahaan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan management dapat memberikan keputusan berdasarkan laporan-laporan yang dihasilkan.Dan dari hasil evaluasi, dapat disarankan hal yang sebaiknya perusahaan lakukan dalam pengendalian internal system akuntansi pembelian dan persediaan bahan baku


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    Penjualan secara kredit pada suatu perusahaan memiliki resiko yang lebih besar dibandingkan penjualan tuna. Diperlukan suatu pengendalian internal yang baik atas sistem akuntansi penjualan kredit, piutang dan penerimaan kas untuk mengurangi terjadinya resiko tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi, mengidentifikasi kelemahan dan keterbatasan dari pengendalian intern serta memberikan saran perbaikan yang diperlukan. Metode yang digunakan meliputi studi kepustakaan buku-buku, diktat, dan literatur yang berkaitan serta penelitian lapangan dengan cara wawancara kepada bagian-bagian yang terkait dan observasi terhadap kegiatan perusahaan, formulir serta catatan akuntansi yang digunakan perusahaan